The importance of visiting Japan – Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Mr Saito, ladies and gentlemen.
Following the previous speaker I would like to express on behalf of the JIN –association, the importance of this magnificent gesture of the Japanese government to enable Dutch-Indonesian people with a Japanese father to explore the home country of their fathers.
I hoped that through my participation in this journey to Japan my puzzle of life will become more complete, so that I can project myself in a more brighter perspective. I consider this outstanding gesture of the Japanese government as a possibility to close the chapters of life behind me and continuing my life with a better knowledge of the origin of my roots and thus to accept my past-performance of life.
There are many reasons why it is important for someone to learn where his roots are and to learn bout the soil in which his roots are anchored. The soil is determined for the quality of the roots and provides answers as to the questions for a person’s profiles in character. I had to live with unanswered questions such as, why am I different from the other members of the family, why did and or do I show more eagerness to reach for success in live and in particular why do I feel more different and in what way am I different from other people of Dutch-Indonesian origin.
And knowing that I am different, these different profiles in character, in lifestyle, in thinking and in acting, do they correspond with my Japanese roots? Therefore, not only this interesting and joyous journey to Japan, but also the knowledge of having relatives in Japan, the possible tiny opportunity to meet father and family, to make their acquaintance, give reasons to the hope of finding answers to the question….who am I.
Therefore I would like to emphasize the importance of this outstanding visit to this country, Mr. Saito, with speaking out my hope and that of the Sakura and JIN organizations as well that whenever possible to continue this magnificent and outstanding gesture of the Japanese government.
I am grateful and again I take pride in the words……..watashino otosanwa, Nihonjin-desu.
Arigato gozaimasu!
PS: ik heb tevens een “humble request” gedaan door te pleiten voor meer aandacht en voor een plechtiger herdenking van de Nagasaki-gevallenen. Dit heeft veel goodwill gekweekt, bij de Japanse aanwezigen!